Your Membership
in the Yellow Springs Arts Council supports a creative quality of life for everyone who lives in and visits the village of Yellow Springs. The YSAC Community Gallery features visual art by local artists from many disciplines. Local musicians are featured at the monthly Arts Alive! events. People from all walks of life visit our gallery and events through the year, appreciating beauty and creativity in many forms.
Click here to see how your membership can help the Yellow Springs Arts community!
Find the Level
that best expresses the value you receive from the Yellow Springs Arts Council, and join us in supporting the arts here in Yellow Springs. Use the button to the right to pay by credit card, or you to join by mail, print a membership form and send the completed form with your payment to The Yellow Springs Arts Council, PO Box 459, Yellow Springs, OH 45387. Either way, thank you!
This button does not change when moused over, but it is a link. Simply click it to enter your information. Thank you!
“It’s extraordinary the way the Arts Council welcomes artists at all levels and gives them an opportunity to exhibit their work.”
– Kit Crawford

“The Arts Council really does their job well, they find new blood coming in, reach out to them and start to try to get them involved.”
– Scott Stolsenberg, photographer

“Within just a few weeks of joining the Arts Council, I made professional connections that led to job opportunities.”
– Joanne Caputo, filmmaker